Monday 13 June 2011

Thursday 9th June : The Day of the Hangi!

Arriving at school at 7.15am the students were more than ready for the big burn off. They came equipped with blankets, milo, marshmellows, gumboots and a great attitude. The fire took about 2 hours to burn down. Then it was all go to get the hot ash out and out the stones back in. It was sweltering! In the meantime the girls peeled the potatoes and other veges as well as stuffed the chickens. Although we were officially only feeding Room 21 we ended up feeding about half the school thanks to kind donations of veges from Dave Pilkington, Beef and muslin cloth from Silver Fern Farms and yummy stuffing from Lynda at the Belfast Community Network. Simon came down to help too - and brought some tasty peanut slabs to finish the day. Jacqui (Mike's Mum) helped out heaps, and showed us how to weave flax as well. Such an awesome day. We want to say a huge thank you to Bill Bush for the hours that he spent in helping to organise this EPIC event. For many of us it was our first hangi - and I suspect it won't be the last. Everyone was raving about the food - absolutely delicious!

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