Monday 19 September 2011

MORE Ski Photos

Truly this was an amazing experience. For many it was a first on the slopes, but enthusiasm and energy ruled the day. After a pretty sound practise run - it was clear there wouldn't be too many hiccups (although a broken finger and a wee bit of vomit turned up on the day!).

A HUGE HUGE thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers, volunteers, nurses, photographers, instructors, encourages, cheerers, and support crew! Without you (twice!) this would not have been possible, and we are truly grateful.

We are so proud of you all - your organisation, and positivity helped to make such an enjoyable day. It wasn't easy to be told to turn around and go home - but you were patient, understanding and it paid off in the end. The weather we did have on the day was almost perfect, well done little darlings!

Love the Senior Team teachers :)

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